Are you having trouble finding mosaic tiles to perfectly fit your project? Make your own! You can make your own mosaic tiles from resin, and use resin as the “grout” to hold the whole mosaic together. Read on to learn how to make a mosaic entirely from resin!
How to Make Mosaic Tiles from Resin
Begin by mixing up a few ounces of resin according to the directions that come in the package. Divide the resin into smaller cups. Add opaque resin pigment to each small cup to dye the resin in the colors you would like to use in your mosaic. You don’t need much pigment to color the resin, so start with just a bit of pigment and add more if you need to.
Use a paintbrush that you are willing to throw away later to paint a thin layer of resin onto a smooth silicone mat. The thinner you paint the resin, the easier it will be to cut later.
Continue painting the resin onto the silicone mat. Feel free to blend and swirl the colors on the mat to create patterns in the resin! Allow the resin to cure fully.
When the resin has cured, you will be able to peel the silicone mat back off of the resin.
You should now have a single thin sheet of resin that is shiny on one side and matte on the other.
The resin sheet is thin enough that you should be able to cut it with regular craft scissors or a craft knife!
You can cut the resin into mosaic tiles that whatever shape and size works best for your project. I chose to cut mine into small irregular triangles.
How to Assemble a Mosaic Using Resin Instead of Grout
To assemble your mosaic, you will need to mix up another small batch of clear resin. Paint a thin layer of resin onto the surface of your project with another disposable paintbrush. Place the resin mosaic tiles onto the surface, leaving small gaps between pieces to give it the look of traditional tile mosaics.
When you have placed all of your resin mosaic tiles, you can leave the project as is or choose to pour a layer of resin over all the tiles to seal them in place. Pop any bubbles that rise to the surface of the resin by blowing on them or with a small torch. Cover the project and let it fully cure.
I love the way my small mosaic dish turned out, and the mosaic is entirely made of resin! This is just a small scale project, but you could easily use the same technique for a full table or other large mosaics. What would you make with DIY mosaic tiles?
What You Need to Make Resin Mosaic Tiles
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- Envirotex Lite
- Mixing cups and stir sticks
- Opaque resin pigments
- Silicone mat
- Paintbrush
- Scissors
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