Pottery Barn stuff usually isn’t on my radar. Although it’s all very beautiful, I know that it’s not even worth walking into the store because I won’t be able to afford anything without having to eat ramen for a week. Why torture myself, right?
On a whim last week, I went surfing through Pottery Barn’s website and got hooked looking at their beautiful Christmas photos. It’s all staged so beautifully and lighted perfectly. Lovely. But as I looked more closely at the pictures I noticed that when all the elements are combined there is this grand effect, but the individual elements themselves are really simple things. For example, their Jingle Bell Vase Filler:
Well, that’s just a whole mess of jingle bells. And they are asking $19 for 30 of them! Okay, I can totally rip that idea off.
Go to the Dollar Tree and buy some of these:
Cut them apart and disassemble them. You can get rid of the gold tops or save them, like I did. To me they look like little acorn tops. Thanksgiving craft, maybe?
Jingle Bell Vase Filler – $2 for 32 of them. Treat yourself to a nice lunch with the $17 you saved.
I also really liked these Grosgrain Mat Frames:
They are asking $29-$49 apiece. Wowzers.
Alright, I can’t replicate the silver-plated finish. I can TOTALLY rip off those grosgrain mats though.
Go to the Dollar Tree again (or better yet, make a giant list and save yourself the gas) and buy some cheap silver frames. Check the crafts aisle to see if they have red grosgrain ribbon. Mine didn’t. Boo.
Come home and do this.
And buy “this,” I mean glue the ribbon to the inside of the frame so it acts like a mat.
Grosgrain Mat Frame for a buck and change. Take your sweetie out for a nice dinner with the $28-$48 you saved.
All together for grand effect. Would have been a little more grand if I had bothered to iron that table scarf. Meh. So, I’m not a Pottery Barn photo stager, but I do have a nice Christmas vignette.
And I’m very well-fed.
Awesome idea! I love it!Thanks so much for your comment on my 'parenting' post – you are so right!
Great ideas – I didn't think of removing the tops of the bells.
Awesome makeovers!! I will definitely post about these at DSC! 🙂 You are on a roll, sister. I am so glad you decided to blog! 🙂
Oh, p.s. I like the acorn cap idea… can't wait to see what you do with it!
Great ideas! I love the high you get from making or getting something for so cheap that costs so much more other places. I cannot wait to see more Christmas!
Wow! That's amazing! Thanks for sharing your creative craftiness!
The bell idea is so cute! And I love your "knock-off" of PB!!!
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Genius! I love it! and the jingle bell filler too! Great blog!
I love this. I made a vase filler for Halloween with candy corn. And I'm changing it out with sunflower seeds for Thanksgiving (it's under sunflowers and wheat). Thanks for sharing this idea. Definitely going to do this for Christimas!
hi! I found a link to your site from dollarstore crafts. I LOVE those frames! and the bell filler as well. I am going to have to take a trip to the dollarstore myself!!come check out my blog too if you get the chance! I am all about making stuff on the cheap!ashley
I've always seen those bells and thought how gaudy but when you pull them apart so many ideas flew through my head. Now I need to go to $Tree
LOVE the jingle bell idea! I have a glass container I fill with things to match the season but have never come up with something I like for Christmas. I went TODAY and bought some bells and shared the idea with my mom. Isn't PB funny…many of their ideas are so easily replicated. I will be back by soon! http://www.cupcakedaze.blogspot.com
Very cute, I may steal your bells idea 🙂
Ooooh love your PB knockoff ideas! SO cute!
Oooh….loving that!
What a clever idea! I love love love the Jingle Bell Filler! Will have my girls help me with this one and also create decor for their rooms! Love your site – keep the clever and thrifty ideas coming!
oh this is so adorable. and if you're thrifty, as I am, then this is my sort of decor blog :)http://thesclub.blogspot.com
Totally going to do this in my home. Thanks for sharing!
WOW this is great! I love your suggestions…I would never shop at Pottery Barn either but I'm so glad I have ideas now on how to "copy" some of their really neat decorations!Love it! Thanks so much for sharing!Merry Christmas!!Jennglass-block-crafts.weebly.com (free Christmas crafts ebook "Christmas Decorating Made Easy")
You are speaking my language. Beautiful AND cheap! Nicely done!
super ideas, looking forward to even more.
I never would've thought to glue the ribbon to the back. I would've hot glued my hand somehow trying to attach it neatly on the matboard, which would've never worked for me. This is a great idea!!!
Genius idea…love it!
Just posted about this, along with our "Top Drawer from the Dollar Store" Christmas party over on Sweet Iced Tea!http://sweeticedtea.wordpress.com/2010/12/03/top-drawer-from-the-dollar-store/
I have been wanted these frames for years!!!! but I just can't pay the price for them I am so glad you posted this