My daughter has just now gotten to the age where she is getting into Barbies, which means the dolls, shoes, and tiny accessories seem to be multiplying. I have been searching for inexpensive solutions to keep it all stored and organized, so I thought I would share some of my favorite ideas with you. These eight ideas make use of simple dollar store supplies to organize your Barbies.

Hi there! I’m curious about the “how to” for the Barbie storage unit shown above. Top row of photos, center photo – shows Barbie in black boots standing next to the open storage display.
Thanks in advance for your expedient response!
Just click on the last link in the round up: “CARBOARD AND CRAFT STICK BARBIE CLOSET – HEY, IT’S MUFF”
I love it! Make one more and you’ve got a U-shaped walk-in closet for Barbie! So imaginative. I think I will try after Christmas to work on making one of thrse with my granddaughter (just one)!