I’m not a big fan of real butterflies. I like the idea of butterflies, and I think they are beautiful but I’d rather not have them flying anywhere near me. This delicate butterfly mobile has the beauty of real butterflies — the brightly colored wings, the soft fluttering motions — without all the unpredictable swooping.
I used the same shrink plastic that I used for my unicorn charms to create this mobile, and it’s a fun project to do with school aged kids. Head over to the MyPrintly website for the full tutorial AND the video showing you how to make this pretty Spring mobile.
Hi, I am wondering if these can go outside in the rain. If I made it and put it on my porch I wouldn’t want it to get ruined when it rained.
Yes, they should be fine in the outdoors! The sharpie may fade over time, but otherwise, water will not affect them. Hope this helps!