Summer vacation is wonderful… for about three days. That’s about when the chorus of “I’m bored!” starts ringing through the house. I’ve created this 28 day summer activity calendar to help you keep boredom at bay. Print out the calendar, stick it on the fridge, and point your kids to it everytime they complain that there’s nothing to do.
I am so excited to share these printables with you for free! To access the printables, sign up for a Mad in Crafts Freebies Membership using the form below or by signing up HERE. Don’t worry, the membership won’t cost you a penny, but it WILL give you access to all of the freebies I have shared here on Mad in Crafts.
When you have access to the Freebie Gallery, you will find these printable cards in the Coloring Pages section.
When I was assigning activities to this calendar, I deliberately chose activities that were low- or no-cost so that all families would be able to participate. The prompts will have your kids playing with toys they likely already own, rummaging through your recycling bin, and using inexpensive art supplies like crayons and chalk. I also chose activities that will be a blast for your whole family, from young kids to teens to adults.I mean, who doesn’t love blowing bubbles?
If you look closely, you will see a pattern with the daily activities. Sunday’s activities encourage arts and crafts. On Mondays, your kids will be delving into Science-related activities. Tuesdays are for physical activity! I blocked every Wednesday out for a trip to the library. On Thursdays, your kids will be encouraged to take on spatial awareness and engineering tasks. Your family will experiment with food fun on Fridays. Finally, you will end the week with family fun nights on Saturdays.
Obviously, you can mix and match days to fit your family’s schedule and lifestyle, but I am hoping this calendar will be a springboard for some summer fun this year.
Here is the list of summer activities your entire family can expect to do:
- Create sidewalk chalk art
- Find and paint rocks
- Draw shadow drawings
- Make paper bag puppets
- Build block towers
- Blow bubbles
- Create straw rockets
- Make leaf drawings
- Ride bikes, scooters, or rollerblades
- Walk around the neighborhood
- Play balloon volleyball
- Try yoga
- Visit the library
- Make an obstacle course indoors or in your own backyard
- Build a blanket fort
- Go on a family trip to a local park
- DIY projects with items from the recycling bin
- Finish a puzzle
- Make homemade popsicles
- Have an outdoor picnic
- Try a new healthy recipe
- Try a new fruit or vegetable
- Have a dance party
- Host a game night
- Take a trip to a local playground
- Watch movies together
My creative friends and I have put together more than a dozen free summer printables for you this month. Visit the links below to see how to get them all for free!
- Super Summer Schedule – Hello Creative Family
- Summer Bucket List – Happiness is Homemade
- Summer Matching Page – Crafting in the Rain
- Summer Sticker Sheet – The Country Chic Cottage
- Summer Crossword – Everyday Party Magazine
- Summer Lego Task Cards – Happy Go Lucky
- Summer Ice Cream Treats Coloring Page – 100 Directions
- Summer Word Scramble – Hey, Let’s Make Stuff
- Welcome to Summer Water Bottle Wraps – See Lindsay
- Hello Summer Coloring Page – Creatively Beth
- Summer Screen Checklist – Tried and True
- 28 Day Activity Calendar – Mad in Crafts
- Summer Activity Page – Artsy Fartsy Mama
- Beach Coloring Pages – Pineapple Paper Co
- Popsicles coloring Page – Liz on Call
- Sunglasses Coloring Page – Printable Crush