1. Get the your/you’re, their/there/they’re, and its/it’s differences down. No excuses.2. Irregardless is not a word and may ONLY be used in an OBVIOUSLY ironic way.3. Learn the difference between possessive and plural. If a blogger writes the word “scissor’s,” I want to use my red pen all over my laptop screen. And then stab my eyes out with the red pen.
The dog has fleas.The fleas have disease.
-Some/All/None: Whether a sentence using one of these pronouns as a subject is plural or singular depends on the some or all in question.Some of the water is still in the bathtub.All of the towels are wet.None of the children are clean.-Anyone/Everyone/Someone/No one/Nobody: Memorize this list. These subjects always take a singular verb.Anyone who thinks English makes sense should have his head examined.Nobody is perfect all the time.-Each/Neither/Either: Again, these words are always singular, even if your Spidey Sense is telling you differently.Each girl is choosing an outfit for the dance.Either dress would be lovely.Neither of their dates is going to notice what they are wearing.
Time: I re-read the seventh Harry Potter book, then I went to see the new movie.Comparison: I think the book was better than the movie.
PRACTICAL TIPS FOR PROOFREADING YOUR POSTS1. If you can’t spell it, Google it. If you have a brain fart and can’t remember if it is spelled “perseverence” or “perseverance,” open up a new tab and type the word into Google. The right spelling will likely pop right up. I do this ALL the time.2. Read your post backwards. Your brain is much more likely to skip over misspellings when you are reading the words in context. Reading backwards eliminates the context.3. Read your post out loud. Even if you are just reading to yourself, you are more likely to notice a missing word or a sentence that doesn’t make sense if you engage your eyes AND ears.4. If you can’t figure out how to write it correctly, write it differently. If you can’t seem to end that sentence without dangling a preposition, junk it and start over. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.5. Write, walk away, then proofread. If you proofread immediately after writing a post, your brain is still engaged in what you have written and will be more likely to miss mistakes. Save your writing, go and do a load of laundry, then come back later to proofread.
Great post! I am just a blog reader, but the you're/your and the there/they're/their thing really drives me nuts! Can you please tell all of my friends that send Christmas cards that they should not sign their cards: Love, The Walker's or Smith's, etc!
I have to say I read this post with a feeling of anxiety, scared I might fall into one of the traps you've listed. Phew, they're all things that annoy me too. There is a linky party out there which is guilty of the you're/your mistake and I often want to comment to tell the blogger, but daren't! I HATE the missuse of apostrophies, I can't understand why people don't know how to use them, it isn't hard. Are you saying that something belongs to that person? No? Then take the bloody apostrophe out!! I disagree with the commas in a list though. I'm English and I wouldn't use one before the "and".
Oh, and I'm promoting you, I blogged about you using my addicting/addictive question last post.
Love these grammar posts!
Everything you have said makes sense, but I think that your use of "ironic" in reference to using the word "irregardless" is incorrect. Don't you mean "sarcastic"? I'm sorry – I don't mean to pick you apart, but I'm a grammar nerd too!!!
Forgive me, I just double checked all definitions of "ironic", and you're 100% correct. Carry on!
Anonymous – I *LOVE* that you checked to make sure I had used "ironic" correctly! Sticklers unite!!! 😀
I bow to you! Things like this drive me insane! There are many times when I want to correct the person, but dare not. I'm already known as very OCD about certain things. One of my favorite bloggers constantly asks her readers to "bare with her". How can I gently tell her that I have no desire to disrobe with anyone but my husband? ;-)Will be including this on my Saturday Shoutouts!
Tip #4 – I use that one more than any other! I frequently find myself stumbling over words to make a coherent sentence. I love when you finally figure out the right way to intelligently phrase something!
Oh. My. Word! I could have written this … every single word! I admit it … I am a grammaticaster! ;-)I agree with you on the Oxford comma.
Oh my gosh! I am right with you on these! I especially can't stand it if a teacher misspells or uses incorrect grammar. I work with a couple of special ed teachers who mess up all the time, and it drives me batty! I have to bite my tongue to not say something!Here's another thing that drives me crazy: people writing "loose" for "lose".
My biggest pet peave? "A lot" and "alot"! Soooo many people use "alot" for "a bunch" and it drives me insane.
As a former English teacher, I think you are a grammar saint!!! Thank goodness there are a few people left who know the rules! Keep up the good work. A+
Just had to say — this cracke me up. I wondered if I was the only person out there who read something and in my head silently corrected someone. I probably shouldn't write this, but after I got married we moved down closer to my husband's family. You know, out in the sticks. People down here say words that don't exsist, use past tense with future tense. It drives me insane. My favorite – "don't not do that". I just close my eyes and hold back. But one day. One day I will snap. 🙂
You just said what I think all.the.time! Thank you! You are awesome. So what about when people say "have went"? Yeah, I thought you'd like that one (like nails on a chalkboard). My husband says it and always gets a a sharp "have gone" from me.
OMG. I will never go back to Grammar Girl. Seriously awful pop-up ads.
I have too say that I think you're article is great. I would never of thought that I would ever get so irritated by people's misspelling but sadly I do and it just leaps off the page. Yes, I know it's ironic but that's what I intended.
Great BLOG,Did you leave the extra "in" in tip #5 on purpose?"…your brain is still in engaged in what you have written"I am just curious.Honestly, I do love your work here.
Whoops! Good catch! I fixed it. Thanks for the heads up.