Laundry is a hard enough job as it is without having to decipher strange hieroglyphs on the tags of your clothing. Have you ever wondered what those icons on your clothing tags actually mean? Me too! I did a little research to discover that there is a method to the madness of those icons. So you don’t have to memorize what each of them means, I created a handy printable laundry symbols chart that you can post near your washer and dryer.

Once you have a grasp on the basics of washing instruction icons, they become much easier to decipher. The icon that looks like a tub filled with water stands for the washing machine. The square icon stands for the dryer. Triangles indicate bleaching instructions; circles indicate dry cleaning instructions. Finally, the iron icon is pretty self-explanatory.
Next, any dots placed within these icons indicate temperature. The more dots are present, the higher the temperature you should use. Two examples: One dot within an iron icon means you should iron that article of clothing with a low heat iron. Three dots within a square means you should dry the piece with high heat. See the pattern?
Lines seen underneath an icon indicate that that piece of clothing has special instructions. You may need to use the permanent press or delicate cycles on your machine. Finally, a big X through an icon is the universal symbol for DO NOT!
When you know these basics, you can combine the icons to create a wide array of washing instructions all on one small tag!
So that you don’t have to memorize every washing symbol out there, I have made up this handy laundry symbols chart. The chart shows several common washing instruction symbols, so you can refer to it as you are working on your laundry. I suggest framing the printable or clipping it to a clipboard, so it is easily accessible near your washer and dryer.
I am so excited to share these printables with you free! To access the printables, sign up for a Mad in Crafts Freebies Membership using the form below or by signing up HERE. Don’t worry, the membership won’t cost you a penny, but it WILL give you access to all of the freebies I have shared here on Mad in Crafts.
When you have access to the Freebie Gallery, you will find these printable cards in the CLEANING AND ORGANIZING section.
If you have a printer and printer paper, you can make your own chart. If you are clipping the chart to a clipboard, you might want to use heavier weight paper or consider laminating the printed chart so it lasts longer. The best way to make sure the chart isn’t damaged by mess or water is to frame it.
- printer
- high-quality printer paper
- frame or clipboard (optional)
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Nifty. I especially like the tip about using heavy paper and/or laminating it. Framing it is even more interesting in some ways. I imagine something with some decorative flair but still clearly readable. I think the only reason this isn’t more common is simply because there isn’t usually a lot of extra wall hanging space in the average laundry area.
Now that I have “Joined”, please show me how to DOWNLOAD THE LAUNDRY SYMBOLS CHART. I can’t find the link that allows for printing the chart.
Check your email for the instructions!
I too signed up and cannot find the link for printing the laundry symbols chart. It just brings me back to subscribing again. I got the email and used the link and the password but I cannot find the printables. Please help.
I am so sorry for this issue! Can you email me a screenshot of what you see when you enter the password into the Freebie Gallery (jessica @ madincrafts . com)? Then I can figure out how to get you where you need to be. Thank you so much for your help!
I signed up for the printable laundry sign and I am only able to see the about me section. No link instructions to print. Love your design and really want to be able to use it. Thanks!
I’m having the same issue- can’t find the link to download. The kitchen conversions chart is having the same problem.
Have you been able to log into the Freebies page?
Same thing as above. You have a link here for other printables, but not for the laundry one, which is what I specifically wanted today. I have my laminator all heated up and ready to go! 😀
I’ve just emailed you so hopefully you’ll be able to send the instructions soon. I have been able to login to the Freebies page just fine. Just no link for Laundry print. available.
OOPS! Totally my mistake. I found it! Thank you!
I cannot seem to locate the free laundry printable either…..please help.
I am also having trouble here. I have entered the password and when i push download it takes me to the same page but the words are all jumbled up. Help!
I am not able to replicate the issue on my end, so I can’t troubleshoot it. 🙁
Are you able to see the Freebie Gallery page?
I am trying to download the laundry symbols. I follow the instructions- signed up and followed direction on email and it is still not letting me download.
Do you have an ad blocker or a pop-up blocker running in your browser?
Im the same as the others. Signed up and link takes me on freebies page but cant find this cant find it. When i look for it I get back to this page which tells me to sign up to get it. I cant find the actual download.
It is the 5th downloadable item in the Cleaning & Organizing section on my Freebie Gallery page.
I signed up, now how do I get the free laundry symbol printout?
Keep an eye out for an email from Mad in Crafts. It will have all the instructions and log in information in it.
Am I the only one that clicks the like from the newsletter and is frustrated all the free stuff requires me to resign up for it… What is the point of it… I have yet to get one thing but frustrated.
You only have to sign up for the freebie gallery once. Then you will receive the login info for the gallery after which you will have unlimited access to well over 100 printables whenever you would like – completely free of charge. If that doesn’t suit you, I hope you can find a different printables source that will.