ensure that your seeds are spaced correctly, reducing the need to thin your mature plants.
eliminate wasting seeds.
make planting tiny seeds much easier.
allow you to sow seeds from the comfort of your kitchen chair, instead of on your hands and knees!
SEED TAPE GLUE1 cup water1 tablespoon cornstarchCook over medium heat, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. Once it starts to boil and make a gel, remove it from the heat. Cool to room temperature.
Continue until all of your dots have seeds.
Seed tapes also make fantastic Mothers and Fathers Day gifts. You could even create seed tape “rosettes” and use them in place of a bow!
Give this easy, fun gardening project a try! For more planting ideas you can try with your kiddos, check out these posts: Forcing Bulbs in Vases, Planting Forced Bulbs, and Germinating a Bean Seed.
I originally shared this project last Spring as part of Brassy Apple’s Save Our Summer series.
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Thanks, Jessica Hill
I love your idea. I will be trying this. I hate thinnning plants because some of them have to die. 🙁
I didn’t have steamers so I used toilet paper instead by folding it lengthwise first to make it stronger and it worked fantastic.
Love the things you have done , I am now going to get my seeds ready for planting out in the comfort of the kitchen and not on my knees in the garden . A big Thanks.
Looks like this idea will work will well seed tape cost a lot very good idea. Thank you!rlh
What a clever idea! Thank you so much for sharing.