My parents have a tradition of playing The Beatles’ “They Say It’s Your Birthday” for me on my birthday every year. It’s a tradition they have carried over to my kids as well. Birthdays are going to look different this year, but we can still carry on some of our favorite traditions in a slightly different way. I turned my family’s tradition into a cute Cricut Joy birthday card SVG that you can cut out and share with your loved ones!
The new Cricut Joy machine and its card mat make creating DIY cards crazy easy. While Design Space has lots of great designs that you can purchase, I wanted to try my hand at making an SVG that you can use for free.
You will notice that I created three different SVG files. One is for use with the Cricut Joy, one is for use with the Maker or the Explore machines, and one is a non-card file that you can use for shirts, hats, mugs, cupcake toppers, etc.
Tomorrow I will walk you through the process of using an SVG to create a card with your Cricut Joy. If you don’t have a Joy, don’t worry. Later this week I will show you how to use an SVG to create a beautiful card with your Maker or Explore machine.
Sign up for my SVG Club below for these free SVG files! As a member of the club, you will receive one new SVG file each month. These SVG files are ready to upload directly into your favorite cutting machine’s design software. Insert the file into a new project, then resize it to fit the project you will be making. This file is for personal use only, so please don’t sell anything you make with this design.
As always, my creative friends have come through with plenty of free, high-quality SVGs to share. Visit their posts to learn more.
- Two Nado – The Country Chic Cottage
- Aged to Perfection – The Kingston Home
- Birthday Shark – Pineapple Paper Co.
- Birthday Girl/Boy – That’s What Che Said
- This is My Birthday Shirt – Hello Creative Family
- Birthday Squad – Hey, Let’s Make Stuff
- Level Unlocked – Happiness is Homemade
- Birthday Cupcake – 100 Directions
- Kids Birthday – Everyday Party Magazine
- First Birthday – Happy Go Lucky
- Currently Accepting Gifts – seeLINDSAY
- Happy Birthday To Me – Artsy Fartsy Mama
- It’s Like Totally My Birthday – Crafting in the Rain
- They Say It’s Your Birthday Card – Mad in Crafts
- Time for Cake – 30 Minute Crafts
I have signed up to your newsletter in order to get the free birthday svg files twice but unfortunately a link has not been sent to my email to download the files. My email address given is correct.
Have you received an email to confirm your subscription? You will need to confirm before the email with the link will be sent.
Signed up and didn’t get the free files???
Something must be broken. I apologize. Did you get the email to confirm your subscription? Once you confirm the subscription, you will receive the download link.
I would love this Svg to use with my Cricut Joy but unfortunately when I press subscribe I get a white spinning arrow but nothing more. It is stuck on here and won’t move.
Oh no! Can I have you try to click the link that says “my SVG Club” to see if that works instead?
I signed up but did not receive an email.
Check your spam folders!
Thank you! I just had a birthday too, 2 weeks ago. Happy Birthday to US!
Happy birthday!
I would love to be able to make the cricut joy cards with my cricut explore air 2. So many choices with the joy that I would love to make.
Thank You!
I haven’t received email as of yet to be able to confirm. Ive been looking in Spam etc. What is the name Home made ?
Well no link to get the cards anywhere. There’s so much popping up ad wise if there is a link I can’t find it.
Then it says to sign up for the emails, well that’s how I got here to start with. I’m not sign up again or do I have to?
I’m totally confused and it’s way past my bedtime
Hopefully after a good sleep you can see it now. There is both a link in the paragraph in the section titled “DOWNLOAD THE FREE SVG FILE” as well as a form in that same section. Entering your information into one of those forms will get you the SVG free of charge. I am happy to be able to offer those SVGs for free because of the small amount of money I get from the ads on the page.